Tuesday, November 7, 2017

We are all procrastinators...

Procrastination. Don’t you just hate that word? It makes me cringe. Ugh! Do you procrastinate? We have all been victims of procrastination at one time or another.                      
Do any of these sound familiar? I am a cleaner, a list maker, a side tracker, a snacker, a watcher, and a perpetuator. I can almost always find a reason to not start my big homework assignment or to not study for that scary test. Just this weekend I fell into the trap. I needed to study for my big exam that was today but instead of studying for my immediate test I instead focused on all of my other classes. I still felt like I was being productive and accomplishing a lot because I was being proactive with my other assignments. BUT, I still put off the most important thing at that time.

How can we break these trends? I like the ted talk by Tim Urban on procrastination. He uses simple but accurate examples of what goes through a procrastinators mind.

What were your thoughts after watching this video? Does this makes sense to you? I love how he showed us the difference between the two types of procrastination. We need to have an end date in mind no matter how big or small the tasks are. Look at your planners regularly and see if there is anything you can adjust. I like the part of the planner that shows your days in time segments. Try planning out your day in increments of 30 minutes or an hour. See if you are able to stay on track.

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